Friday Overview 19.2.21
Good Morning. Happy Friday everyone. Hope you are well.
As usual you can do your activities in any order you want but remember we have two live sessions today – a check in at 11.00 and Assembly at 11.50.
Follow the link to listen to the author Cressida Cowell.
Free Writing Friday
The aim of Free Writing Friday is to encourage creative writing for enjoyment. You can write and draw whatever you like. Teachers are allowed to read the stories, but not mark them! Free writing is purely about putting pen to paper and being creative. Enjoy!
Start Prediction Task
Prediction Skills for Stellaluna
Read the instructions carefully before watching this video and then practise your prediction skills.
10.30 – break
11.00 Check In
Complete Prediction task.
11.50 Assembly
‘Altogether Time’ – Choose an activity you like to do e.g. drawing, craft reading, jigsaw puzzles………..
Have a lovely week- end and take care. See you on Thursday.