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Overview Thursday 25.2.21

Hello everyone, Mrs Lockhart here again. Hope you are all well.

Today you can find your work for Mrs Dobbie in her folder in class materials. This is independent work as Mrs Dobbie is in school today working with the P.1 classes. I am also in school but will meet with you in a check in at 9.30 and again after lunch at 1.30 for a catch up and dictation. There is also a Live webinar at 11.00 from the Scottish Wildlife Trust. All your work for the day from me is in the Teams Class Materials folder dated Thursday 25.2.21 or in links below. We are covering RME with Mrs Dobbie, maths time, dictation, a reading task from a non – fiction book and a story for enjoyment.

Don’t forget it is good to have regular brain breaks and to get some fresh air.

As usual I have written down times to try and help with organisation but feel free to move things around or do them later if that’s easier.

8.55 Mrs Dobbie’s activities

Check in at 9.30 – explain LIVE webinar

BREAK 10.30 – 10.45

11.00– Live webinar – Scottish Wildlife Trust* (starts 10.30 but we’ve just to join in after p/time)

11.30 Maths Task – Time

Introduction to Digital and Analogue times.

Then telling the time in blocks of five 3 page 5 minute time sheet

and some problem solving Problem Solving – time

If you are not as confident at telling the time yet. There is a less complicated worksheet clock face to complete P.4

All worksheets are also in Class Materials Mrs Lockhart 25.2.21. Top Tip : cut a toilet roll up to produce a good clock size stencil to draw round.

Also watch this How long is a Half an Hour? video


Remember to continue playing the time game to demonstrate your knowledge. You can make it trickier by changing the instructions.

Why don’t you? – take a photo of your scores and share it with me in your folder. Try to improve your PB (that means a personal best).

12.15 Emoji check in. Let me know, by using the emoji at the side, how you are getting on.

LUNCH 12.30-1.15

1.30 LIVE CHECK IN and Dictation

2.00 Next task is to read a non-fiction book. You have the same two books as last week to choose from All About Teeth or Animal Migration. Animal Migration is a little trickier so choose that one if you’re a confident reader. The follow up task is different for each book.

As usual you will find the books online by following this link

Now follow these steps…………..

  1. Username:DEAEH5
  2. Password: pupil
  3. Type All About Teeth or Animal Migration into the search bar at the top of the page
  4. Then press the big green button READ BOOK

Remember you can use the audio button to listen to the book being read until you are confident enough to read it by yourself.

All About Teeth – Turn to p.4 & 5. There are two good illustrations there. Copy these carefully and remember to label the picture.

Animal Migration – Find information on Humpback whales in the book and summarise the facts. Write about a paragraph (5 or 6 sentences).Top tip – find key facts and then link them.

Story time    Clark the Shark

* Will post this on Teams nearer the time

Join TCV Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 949 0638 9889

Passcode: 982654



That’s all for today. I’m looking forward to being in touch with you

again tomorrow. Take care everyone.





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