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Friday Overview 5.3.21

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! Here is the overview for today.

9.00 – 10.15 Maths Task – Time

Create the correct times on the clock faces in 5 min intervals 2

(Top Tip : cut a toilet roll up to produce a good clock size stencil to draw round).

Also watch this How long is an Hour? video

Remember to continue playing the time game to demonstrate your knowledge. You can make it trickier by changing the instructions.

Why don’t you? – take a photo of your scores and share it with me in your folder. Try to improve your PB (that means a personal best).

10.15 Start Prediction Task

Read the instructions carefully Prediction Skills for The Night I Followed the Dog before watching this video and then practise your prediction skills.

Reading Skill – prediction





10.30 – break

11.00 Check In

Complete Prediction task.

11.50 Live Assembly

‘Altogether Time’ – Choose an activity you like to do e.g. drawing, craft  reading, jigsaw puzzles………..

Have a lovely week- end and take care. See you on Thursday.



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