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Overview Thursday 11.3.21

Hello everyone, Mrs Lockhart here again. Hope you are all well.

Today you can find your work for Mrs Dobbie in her folder in class materials. This is independent work as Mrs Dobbie is in school today. I will meet with you in a check in at 11.00 with a live lesson on time and again after lunch at 1.30 for a catch up and dictation. We are covering RME /French with Mrs Dobbie, a digital time, dictation and reading.

Don’t forget it is good to have regular brain breaks and to get some fresh air.

As usual I have written down times to try and help with organisation but feel free to move things around or do them later if that’s easier.

8.55 Mrs Dobbie’s work

BREAK 10.30 – 10.45

Check in at 11.00 –

Maths Time topic

Lesson on time LIVE digital times

Follow up – Digital Time sheets









12.15 Emoji check in. Let me know, by using the emoji at the side, how you are getting on.

LUNCH 12.30-1.15

1.30 LIVE CHECK IN and Dictation

2.00 Next task is to read a non-fiction book. New book choice – Along the Silk Road and Animal Rescue Centre. The worksheet (Questions before, during, after) is in Class Materials, Mrs Lockhart, Thursday 11.3.21. Remember Along the Silk Road is a little trickier so choose that one if you’re a confident reader.

The follow up task is the same for each book. Watch the powerpoint

Questioning before during after reading Child Version before you read the book.

Then complete the first part of the worksheet below (the before bit) when you have just looked at the front cover. Fill in the during bit of worksheet as you go along. Finally fill in the questions you have after the book is completed.

Questions before during after

As usual you will find the books online by following this link

Now follow these steps…………..

  1. Username:DEAEH5
  2. Password: pupil
  3. Type …………………………………………………………. into the search bar at the top of the page
  4. Then press the big green button READ BOOK

Story time

Enjoy The Hula-Hoopin’ Queen read by Oprah Winfrey

That’s all for today. I’m looking forward to being in touch with you

again tomorrow. Take care everyone.






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