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Primary 1B Highlights

Welcome back to our first blog post of the new year. Although we have been back in class for a while we haven’t been blogging about all of the wonderful learning we have been getting up to in class, so here is a little overview of what we have been covering this week.

This week we have seen nicer weather outside and have started to learn a little bit about Spring and all of it’s wonderful associations. During our Monday morning check in, some of the children mentioned having come across frog spawn at the weekend. This sparked a wonderful discussion about life cycles and led us to ask some curious questions that helped shape one of our learning focuses for the week.


We watched a fascinating time lapse of frog spawn changing through the stages of a life cycle into frogs. We learned lots of new and exciting vocabulary and had a go at sequencing our own frog life cycle. We ordered the pictures and discussed what was happening at each stage.

Did you know that the baby froglet eats the jelly like substance that makes up the frog spawn?

We had a go at using our listening skills to follow instructions to complete a drawing of a frog. We used real life colours to finish our drawing. Here are some examples of our fabulous work.

We have also been investigating all the different changes that we have bee noticing during the beginning of the season. We discussed the weather and how we have had quite a few wet play times so far. We talked about April showers and how the temperature and weather should start to improve later on in the season (fingers crossed!).

We completed some wonderful blue wash/crayon resist paintings including none other than ourselves! Have a look at our super artwork.

We have not only been investigating the weather we talked about the different types of spring flowers that have been beginning to pop up! We tried our hand at drawing, tulips, daisies and daffodils. We all worked extremely hard to get the petals on each flower perfect. We are very proud of our work.


Our new writing genre focus for this term is ‘Information Reports’. We are, as always using our core targets to help shape our writing and are providing the reader with information about our chosen topic, this week being ‘Tents’. Here are examples of some of our work. We have been working very hard using our listening skills and alphabet strips to help us ‘have a go’ at sounding out words we are unsure of how to spell. We are gaining confidence everyday!

This is just a very short snapshot of what we have been working on throughout the week. We hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog and looking at our pictures.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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