P5 Enjoy Being Back!
This week was great because we finally got to see our friends! On Friday it was comic relief and we were able to wear fun hats or be creative with our hair while raising money for a good cause.
We have also been busy too. We have been taking advantage of the great weather and had PE outside. It was great fun playing games. We also enjoyed playing family fortunes. It was a hoot!
Outdoor Learning
Summer – I enjoyed the outdoor learning with Mrs Fletcher.
Bailey – We looked for signs of Spring.
Sofia – Then we used chalk to draw symmetrical pictures.
We were only allowed one piece of paper and glue and scissors and the challenge was to make the longest paper chain! We worked with our partners and when evaluating our work afterwards decided that it was best to cut thin pieces of paper and make sure that all team members were involved so that the chain could be put together quickly.
In number talks we have been practising using mental strategies to multiply 2 digit numbers.
Sophie S – I know more about using partitioning.
We have been practising our data handling skills. We completed a class survey and produced a tally chart, frequency chart and bar graph.
We have continued to practise our spelling and handwriting. We wrote another information report this week and in reading we have practised answering questions about a text.
As part of our topic on Scotland we learnt about some Scottish inventions including the flushing toilet. Then we were asked to think of a problem and design an invention to solve that problem.
We had some fantastic ideas such as a machine to clean the house (Bella), a dog-napping prevention lead (Anna), an anti racism machine that altered DNA (Sofia) and a toy that helped people with depression(Callum).
Alexis – I enjoyed the invention designs!