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Weekly Update from P4

We have had a busy first week back in Primary 4 and everyone has been working really hard.

In Literacy we have been looking at the skill of summarising. Mrs Hillan read a chapter of the class novel and we summarised what we had heard. We are now starting to get the hang of picking out the key points from what we have heard or read. Here are some of our summaries:

In Numeracy we have continued with multiplication. We have been looking at the 8x table or the 5 and 3x tables. We also enjoyed playing a times table challenge where two of us were asked a question to see who could answer first! We definitely need to keep practising these at home.


In our topic this week, we have finally been able to get back on track with our Egyptians topic! We created a timeline of events from Ancient Egyptian times:

We also looked at information about the River Nile and picked out the key facts which told us why it was so important to the Egyptians. We recorded this on a mind map:

We look forward to more learning next week!!

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