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Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays and managed to take advantage of the lovely weather. It was great to see all the children back  for their last term in Primary 1! Some of the learning that has taken place this week-

Writing –

This term we have started a new writing genre and shall be writing a number of recounts pieces. Bascially for us in Primary one, that means writing that retells events that have already occured. The first piece was titled “Playing in my Bedroom”. The children had to write sentences saying where they were, what they were doing, what they made and how they felt. I think they did really well and I can see a big improvement in their writing skills. Some writing examples below.


Phonics and Reading

We have been working really hard on our blends – ch, th, sh, wh and ng. The children have been creating words and reading sentences which contain the  blends.

Health and Wellbeing – Health Me

For the first part of this term we will be looking at how to keep our bodies and minds healthy. We began by idenifying something that we already do to keep us healthy. Some examples below-

Next, we drew examples of healthy food we would like to have in our lunch boxes-


Numeracy – Subtraction and numbers up to 20

We are continuing to learn how to subtract numbers and make numbers beyond 10 using 10 as a base. Some pictures below-


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I shall be back next week with more updates from P1A.


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