Update from P4/3
It has been another busy week in P4/3. We have been able to spend more time on our Egyptian topic and the children enjoyed learning why the River Nile was so important to theĀ Ancient Egyptians. We used our note taking skills to record information and discovered facts such as “The Nile would flood every year to help fertilise the soil for crops to grow” Brendan. As a class we enjoy directed drawings lessons. Not only does this improve our drawings skills, we have to listen and follow instructions to help create the best pictures. Here are some examples of our work:
In numeracy, we began to learn about the concept of multiplication. We discovered that multiplying is just “a quicker way of adding numbers together” Ethan. We explored sets of numbers and began to learn or revise the 2x, 5x and 10 x table. Please practise these tables with your child. The children love to add a competitive element to their learning and enjoy testing themselves against the timer in different games.
In literacy, we learned a new genre of writing, explanation writing. It was a little tricky for us to complete, but we will continue to practise over the coming weeks.
Have a lovely long weekend and I will check in with you next Friday.
Mrs Morrison