This Week in P3/2
We were using our echo reading skills to develop our expression and fluency skills. We were also developing our questioning skills. After reading our book, we had to think of a question to ask our friends about the text. Questioning skills help develop our understanding of the text.
For writing this week, we started our new genre of explanation. We were writing about how a plant grows. First, watched video about the germination process and had to use our note taking skills to help us with our writing piece. We collaborated in our groups to discuss the process of how a plant grows.
This week, we continued to learn about times tables. We were using textbooks and developed our skills of presenting our work neatly. We were also using problem solving skills to tackle multiplication word problems.
We started our new ‘World of Work’ topic. As a class, we discussed why adults have jobs and how we can develop skills to help us in the world of work. Additionally, we learned about different job sectors and the jobs within them.