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A Short, but Busy Week in P4/3!

It was a fantastic start to our week as we took part in a virtual lesson with Mrs Liddell, from museum services. She was able to share her knowledge about the Egyptians and showed us some artefacts too! It was really interesting to learn some new facts and also to apply our questioning skills to broaden our understanding. Here are some of the questions we asked:

“Why was the bracelet so important to Egyptians?” Lexie

“What food did the Egyptians eat?” Elkie

We continued to work on the explanation genre of writing, using the context of ‘How a Caterpillar Morphs into a butterfly” Almost all children were more confident with the content and structure of writing and next week we will continue to practise, but with less help from Mrs Morrison! I’m sure the children will rise to the challenge!

In numeracy, we continued to develop our skills in multiplying numbers. Some children worked on describing and building arrays (groups of), whilst others tackled multiplication word problems. It was a challenge for all, but we gave it a go, well done P4/3!

I’m sure next week will be just as much fun!

Mrs Morrison

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