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P5's Weekly Update !


This week we started a new topic – fractions.

Bailey – I enjoyed this!

We focused on finding fractions of shapes and learnt vocabulary such as numerator (the number on the top of the fraction) and denominator (the number on the bottom of the fraction.)

We learnt how to draw and label fractions of shapes including mixed numbers when the fraction includes a whole number.


This week we have focused on predicting during our reading sessions and we wrote detailed pieces explaining what we thought would happen next based on evidence from the text.

We pretended to be one of the characters in the novel and wrote some super diary entries this week.

In addition we also worked hard to create some excellent explanation texts. Bailey suggested we wrote about the process of mummification. So we watched a video first, made notes, and then turned these notes into an explanation text with our writing partners.

In spelling one of the strategies we used this week was writing out the words in bubble writing which we did outside in chalk.


We had  a brilliant workshop with RSNO National School’s Concert Programme.

Bailey – I learnt that you could use music to help tell a story.

Next week we will be watching a concert with this company. We can’t wait!


This week we discussed what friendship meant to us. We discussed how sometimes we can have issues with friends and discussed what strategies we can use to help us deal with these.

As a warm up to the lesson we acted out either a positive or negative mime connected to friendship.



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