Weekly Update From P1A
I Hope you have all had a good week , we certainly have here in P1. We have been very busy. We now have a beautiful castle for the dragon. The children have made crowns and shields and have really enjoyed using their imagination as they play in and around the castle. Some pictures below-
Last week we planted some beans in soil, this week we have planted some bean seeds in our own very special see through “green houses”(some pictures below). By planting them in this way, I hope that we can see how the bean takes root and can begin to identify the different parts of a plant.
Writing –
This week we have been enjoying reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. The children have created a narrative story about one of the little pigs. They had to describe the setting, explain what happens and how the character felt. Amazing writing by everyone!
Numeracy and Maths
We have spent part of the week creating simple graphs to display information. The children are becoming more confident when identifying the most and least popular item. In the pictures below you can see that most children liked the blue bean.
During smart start the children have been using dried beans to count collections and completing a bean jigsaw challenge.
We have also been looking at 10 as a base number and have been bundling groups of 10 using sticks to support the understanding of teen numbers.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will post more updates next week.