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P4/3 Make Their Own Rules!!

We continued to learn about Ancient Egyptian times and this week we learned how Pharaohs made all the rules for people to follow. This lead to an entertaining discussion about what rules P4/3 would implement. Here are some of the suggestions;

” Only be nice” Joseph

“To able to leave school whenever you want!” Charlie

“Have everything for free!” Brendan


We continued to practise explanation writing and this week we used our learning from Mrs Dobbie to help explain ‘How Paper turns into Trees.’ Firstly, we made notes to help us write our ideas in paragraphs. We are certainly improving, well done P4/3!


This week, we assessed our knowledge of multiplication. Assessment is a good way for Mrs Morrison to see what the children have learned, but also for the children to not only recognise success, but to identify areas to improve. Next week we will learn about division.

Enjoy your long weekend, hope the sun shines and I will post again next Friday.


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