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This Week in P3/2


We have been practising our spelling words this week. We have been practising using our rainbow writing, playdoh writing and writing our words on a whiteboard with our eyes closed.

For writing this week, we were writing an explanation for the role of a firefighter. We had to take notes when we were researching the role. These notes helped us add detail to our explanation sequences.



This week, we began our new division topic. Dividing is a way of sharing something. We were learning about different strategies we could use to help us solve an equation. We could use our fingers to skip count. We would count the number of fingers we have up and that would be our answer.

We could also draw circles and then draw dots to share within the circles. We would share these equally and count the amount of dots in the circle.



For our world of work topic, we began researching the jobs we would like to have when we are older. We had to research the skills and attributes required for these roles.


For music this week, were we listening to L’hom Arme by Robert Morton. We had to identify the different instruments we could hear. We also discussed how this music made us feel.

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