P4's Weekly Update
This week in Primary 4 we have been working hard as usual. We have moved onto a different genre for Writing, one which we are already familiar with – Narrative. This is where we can use our imaginations more and create our own stories. We started off by discussing the layout of this type of text – we need to include who, when and where when we first start. Then we need to include a complication in our story (something that goes wrong), and we finish it with a resolution – how the problem is solved and the outcome of this. We are needing to ensure that we remember the basics – reading over our work to check that it makes sense and that we have included correct punctuation as well as used paragraphs and a variety of sentence starters and connectives. We will give this more focus next week. Some of our pieces are below for you to read:
In Reading this week we have become illustrators and created a new front cover for our group novels. We have also been looking at making predictions again, and this time we used Mr Bean to help with this. Mrs Hillan paused at a variety of points during the programme and we recorded/ verbally gave our predictions. It was interesting to see if our predictions would be right or not. Here are our thoughts:
Gracie – It was fun but tricky and you might have got it wrong, but that’s alright.
Shay – It was hard at the start but it started to get easier.
Rihanna – It was fun when we got to see if our answer was right or not.
Ciaran – It was really fun hearing other people’s answers on what they thought.
Maisy – It was funny and some of the guesses were true and some were wrong but that was okay.
Stevi – It was fun to watch it and make your prediction.
Roman – It was fun but it was a bit hard, but we all had a laugh.
Olivia – It was funny and it was also fun to hear other people’s answers, some of which were funny!
Derry – The first video was funny and quite easy, but the second got a bit harder to guess.
In Numeracy we are coming to the end of our multiplication topic and we are about to do our assessment again. It would be good if all pupils could practise their tables this week ready for the assessment next week.
We are very lucky in Primary 4 and are getting some Art lessons with Mr Bennett over the next few weeks. The pupils shared what they did and their thoughts:
Summer – One of the tasks was to take little pieces of blu tak and stick them onto the table to make them next to each other.
Chloe – It was hard, when we stuck the blu tak down it started to look like a beetle.
Sophie C – When you put the blu tak down we got a picture of a beetle and a plain piece of paper and we had to mark out the parts of the beetle to then draw it and shade it in at the end.
Ariah – For me it was fun and a bit tricky as you had to measure and mark.
Alyssa – It was very fun and the lesson was relaxing.
Emily – It was very fun and everybody’s picture turned out very good. You could creative when colouring in.
We look forward to more learning next week!