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This Week in P3/2


We continued to develop our skills for narrative writing. We had to write an imaginative story about an accident. We used the narrative story mountain which helps us to develop our story line. We learned about the complication which is the part that makes the reader want to read on.

“We had to write in paragraphs and use the correct structure.”

We have also been learning to use a dictionary to find the meaning of words. During reading, we were sounding out unfamiliar words. We were also developing reading with expression. After we read our stories we had to ask our friends a questions about the text to enhance our questioning skills.



This week, we were continuing to develop our division skills. We were looking at word problems which can be challenging because you are not given the equations. We have to use our problem solving skills to work out what the question is asking and then solve the equation.

“We have been dividing, this is another way of saying sharing.”

“We have been dividing in 2s, 3s, 4s and 10s.”

“We were working as bakers and we had to divide the cakes equally between the people.”



In IDL, we were looking a city landscapes. We were looking at the detail and texture of the buildings. Then, we looked some examples of landscapes and we were given the opportunity to choose a landscape of Edinburgh to represent.

For our world of work topic, we were identifying our skills and linking them to jobs we would like. Then, we had to prepare notes to explain the type of job we would like to our peers.

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