P5 Weekly Blog Post
We enjoyed the sunny weather this week and played rounders on the field.
Jaxson – I am getting better at hitting the ball.
Hope – I am getting better at catching.
Miss Stanway – I nearly caught Jaxson out but the ball bounced out of my hands!
We practised using effective verbs in order to improve our writing. We used a thesaurus to improve our vocabulary.
We learnt how to write fractions and decimals as percentages.
We have also continued to practise our x12 tables.
Bailey – I enjoyed the Sumdog maths competition and learning about when we use percentages in real life.
During coding practice we used our programming skills to solve various challenges.
This week we learnt about puberty and the changes that happen to our bodies. We have a worry box in class so if we have a question we can post it in the box so that the class can discuss it.
Our new topic is inheritance and reproduction.
Bailey – I enjoyed learning about how wolves have evolved into dogs.