Weekly Update From P1A
I hope you have all had a good week. We have had another very busy week of learning in Primary 1. The children have enjoyed yoga with Mrs Anderson and a trip to our school library.
Writing – The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The children have completed a number of writing activities around the fairytale The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Firstly, they used a guided draw to help create their very own trolls. They then thought of some good descriptive words they could use to descibe how he looks and his personality. Some scary examples below-
After reading the story, we began to think about where the troll might have gone after he was pushed into the river by the big billy goat. The children drew Wanted posters and extended the story by using their own ideas. Some super examples below-
Some children went on to seqeunce the story-
Health and Wellbeing – Changing Me
We are continuing to explore the changes that occur as we grow and develop. This week we focused on differences that occur in our bodies from birth until the aged of 5. Some examples below-
Numeracy – Addition and Subtraction
This week we have carried out a number of tasks around number bonds to 10. The focus being, to help make the connection between addition and subtraction. Making connections can be a tricky concept but, I am pleased to say that almost everyone can now see the link and hopefully will use this strategy when adding bigger numbers. The children chose the pictures below to be included in this weeks blog.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with our second last Primary 1A post!