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Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. It has been very exciting in Primary 1, the children have now all had the opportunity to meet their new Primary 2 teacher. Both Miss Borsby and Miss Orr were very impressed by the children, so off to a great start!

Some pictures the children wanted to share-

Maths – Money

This week we have revisited the topic of money. The children have been identifying coins, matching coins and making different amounts using a range of coins.

The children also enjoyed playing a number frame loop game and taking part in an interactive game called “Hit the button” where the children have a minute to answer either number bond or addition questions.


The children wrote to the dragon for the last time. They explained what they enjoyed most about his visits. Some pictures below-

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with the final blog from P1A!

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