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Welcome Back from Primary 5!

Back To School Mickey Mouse GIF - Back To School Mickey Mouse Apple GIFs

Welcome back everyone!!! It has been so nice to see everyone back in school this week and hear everyone’s stories about their Summer!

This week we have spent quality time listening to each other share our news of our holidays as well as going over any news for the next few weeks and the year ahead. We had a COVID update and started to think about our Class Charter so that we can get this created and displayed next week.

We wrote and drew pictures for some of the highlights of our Summer and these will be added to a class display. We also created some cool name tags for our pegs in the cloakroom.

We created some handwashing posters to remind ourselves and each other about the importance of washing our hands regularly. We must also remember to sanitise regularly too.

This week we have completed our first spelling baseline test so that we become familiar with new spelling patterns and improve our spelling skills. We have also done a bit of recapping of our addition and subtraction skills to get our brains in gear again! We will focus on this for the next couple of weeks to make sure we are confident with this again.

We have been set a task by Mrs Stewart to think about which After School Clubs we would like to see available and which Leadership groups we would like to be part of. Mrs Hillan will gather our ideas next week.

Looking forward to another week of learning next week!

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