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Welcome from Primary 2/1

Kids Welcome Sign with Light Blue Background and Rainbow Letters | Light  blue background, Fun signs, Blue backgrounds

Hello and welcome to our blog! We have had such a busy and fun first week in Primary 2/1!

Our primary 2s and some of our primary 1s have been showing off what they already know about numbers and dot patterns through playing different games.

Some of our primary 2s have been revising their knowledge of basic CVC words through board games!

Whilst the primary 2s were doing some jobs with Mrs Morrison, the primary 1s began learning about the start, middle and end. We had to circle which animal was in each position in the feeding queue, and which person was in each position in the bus queue. This will help us when we start reading and writing words.

The primary 1s have also had a chance to spend lots of time with their buddies this week! The P7 buddies have been so helpful when getting ready for break, having our lunch and also spending time out in the playground.

We cannot wait to get stuck in to more learning next week!

Where possible, please ensure ALL of your child’s belongings are labelled. We have a pile of jumpers, shoes and jackets beginning to form and it can be very difficult to match these back with the children without name labels. Thank you!

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