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Weekly Update From Primary 1

We have had a great second week in Primary One. All the children have settled really well, so please don’t worry about them. Some pictures and information below  of the things the children have been getting up to this week. They have really enjoyed getting to know their buddies and this week the buddies helped out in the playground and came into class to help the children decorate their very own Elmer and to think about what makes them special. Some pictures below-





Literacy –

The children have been practising writing their names in different ways and developing their fine motor skills.



They have also been demonstrating some super cutting skill.


The children have been using their prediction skills when being read to. They have enjoyed all the stories and have been able to make lots of sensible predictions based on the information from the story.


In number the children have been practising their forward and backward counting skills, ordering numbers and counting simple collections. They have also enjoyed playing number games with their friends.


I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the activities that the children have enjoyed this week. Have a lovely weekend and I shall update the blog again next week.


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