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Highlights from Primary 5

This week we have continued working hard in Primary 5. We have finished off assessments in  Reading and  Numeracy and Maths.

In Reading we have continued our Novel Study. We have discussed and noted down any favourite parts from the story so far. We found out that Zoe’s Dad worked in an ice cream factory and have created posters to advertise all the different flavours of ice cream.

We continued with our Recount writing genre this week too. This week we imagined we had been on a trip to the moon and retold the events of this. We went through an example with Mrs Hillan, and then created our own recounts.


For Art this week we created some self portraits. We looked at how we can draw all of the features on the face accurately. These are some of our drawings in progress:


For PE just now we are working on Basketball skills. We have been learning the chest pass, bounce pass, single hand dribbling and double hand dribbling. We have also began working on our shooting skills. Here are some photos of us in action:

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