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A busy week in P2/1

We have had such a busy week in P2/1!


This week, the P1s have been learning all about the ‘m’ sound. We have had lots of practise forming the letter m and identifying words that we hear the letter in.

The P2s have been consolidating their knowledge of the ‘oa’ and ‘ai’ sounds. They were challenged to think of different words containing these sounds, and to try and use them in a sentence.


We have continued to focus on the genre of Recount. This week, we were challenged to recount our bedroom! We had to draw and label our bedroom, before trying to write some sentences about what we like to do in it.


Primary 1 have learned two numbers this week! We have learned all about the numbers 3 and 4. We have been focusing on what the numbers mean, how they can be made and how to form the numbers correctly.

Primary 2 have been looking at forward and backward number sequences to 100. We have been playing some fun games to help us learn, including snakes and ladders!


As a whole school this week, we have focused on the topic of shape. The class were outside with Mrs Dobbie trying to find 2D shapes in the local environment. On Thursday, we had the chance to work with our buddies to create our very own monsters using 2D shapes!


In P.E. this term, we are focusing on spatial awareness. We had to move around the hall in different ways and using different pieces of equipment such as bean bags.

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