This week in Primary 5
We have been busy this week in Primary 5! This has been our Fractions, Decimals and Percentages focus week in Numeracy and Maths. We completed some work using Fractions. We looked at what a fraction is, how it looks and how we present it – 1/2/, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8 etc.
Pupil thoughts:
I think Fractions is a bit hard – Kayleigh
Fractions are very easy and they are fun to learn – Chloe
If you want to half something, you put a line through the middle and if you want to quarter something you put a line through the middle one way and then through the other way. – Lewis R
When you are showing fraction you put a number on the top and one on the bottom with a line in between – Lewis D
Let’s say I had 6 on the bottom and 2 on the top, if I had a shape with 6 parts, I would colour in 2 of them – Erin R
We can use fractions when eating pizza, chocolate and cake – Sophie G
We then went on to look at mixed numbers and fractions. This is where we have a number like 2 4/5 and we then convert it into an improper fraction.
We will look at Decimals and Percentages and how these also link with fractions next week. We will use youtube clips to help with our understanding. We will focus on how we can find simple decimal fractions and working out 50%, 25% and 10% of something.
In Writing this week we continued looking at Recount. Mrs Hillan had an example for us to look at – it was a recount about a trip to a museum. We then picked somewhere we visited and gave a recount of this.
Mine was about going to my Nana’s – Ryley
Mine was about when I went to Arran on holiday – Sophie C
I wrote about Alton Towers – Ariah
I done one on when I went to Erin R’s birthday party – Sophie G
I done one about when I went to Eliburn Park – Matthew
Mine was about going to Burntisland – Caelan
I did one about me going to the beach – Chloe
In Reading we began our focus on Prediction for our Reciprocal Reading Skills. We are very good at making predictions in P5 and we actually make these every day, not only in our reading lessons! This week we were given two images which we then discussed and made several predictions about. Here are the pictures and some of our predictions:
Caelan – I think the monster is going to crush the kitten because it has it’s foot up.
Olivia – I think it is a goblin because he is green.
Lewis D – The monster is going to wake up the kitten with his foot then follow it home so he can eat all the other kittens, because he looks like he is hungry.
Sophie C – I think he is going to step on the cat, pick it up and then eat it. I think this because he had one foot raised and he looked mad, and when I get mad I’m hungry!
Jessica – I think that the creature is going to keep the cat and take it home. I think this because it looked like the creature was going to grab the kitten.
Erin P – I think if the rabbit goes through the tunnel then it will go into a big field.
Ariah – I think the rabbit is going to go through the hole and see its house.
Chloe – I think if the rabbit goes through the tunnel then it is going to lead to a different world.
Ciaran – I thought that the source of light was fire.
Lewis D – I think through the tunnel there will be fire and evil people.
Caelan – I think if the rabbit goes through the tunnel, it will go to the stairs of heaven.
Next week is a short week as we are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday!