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This Week In P3



During reading this week, we had to read a passage and highlight the adjectives describing the character. After we had identified the describing words, we had to use this information to draw a picture of the character.


We continued to practice our spelling words. We practice our spelling words daily using wooden letters, writing on whiteboards and playing games.



This week, we were developing our number sense and ordering numbers. We have been ordering numbers from lowest to highest and also highest to lowest.


We were also looking at fractions this week. We were learning that we use fractions in everyday life, such as when we are cutting a pizza. We also had to write the fractions for a whole, half and quarters.



In science this week, we were learning about materials that were thermal conductors. We learnt that metals are great thermal conductors and this is why pots are made from metals. The atoms in the pot get bigger as they get hotter and this is called thermal expansion.

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