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Update from Primary 5

We have had another busy week in Primary 5, with lots of new tasks and challenges.

In Numeracy we have been looking at Decimals and how these relate to Fractions. We also looked at how we record these on a number line. We then went on to look at Percentages and also made links to what we have done previously in Fractions and Decimals. Here are some examples of the questions we completed:

50% of 40 = 20

25% of 80 = 20

10% of 70 = 7


Lewis – Decimals look hard but when you do a couple, they get a bit easier.

Chloe – You need to know your times tables to do them.

Summer – You also need to know your division skills.

Matthew – Percentages look hard, but are actually easy.

Olivia – First when you take a look at percentages it may look hard, but all you have to do is divide – e.g 50% you divide by 2.

Ryley – After you’ve tried a couple of percentages questions they become easier.


In Literacy this week we have moved on to look at the skill of Clarifying in Reciprocal reading. This is where we use a variety of strategies to make the meaning of an unknown word clear.

Here are the strategies we might use:

-use clues from reading on in the text

-use clues from re-reading the text

-visualising what is happening

-using our own knowledge

-looking for smaller words inside bigger words

-using clues like illustrations, punctuation etc.

We used a text called The Raven Heir:

We discussed what it might be about using our previous skills in Prediction and then we picked words from the text to clarify using the strategies above.

Here are some of the words we picked out to clarify. We will finish these next week.

In spelling we practised our words using fancy lettering. We repeated this later in the week but tested a partner, who then had to write their word correctly in fancy lettering.


In PE we have continued with our basketball skills and have now incorporated these into mini games. Before starting we had to go over the basic rules of the game.

We are looking forward to another week of learning next week.

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