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What have P6 been up to this week?


We have started a new topic – TIME.

Bailey – I enjoyed the funny time song and can use quarter past.

Bella – I feel I now know how to tell the time.

Alexis – I am better at telling the time.

Some of us practised converting 12 hour times to 24 hour times.


This week when writing a recount we wrote one together as a class.

Emily – This was fun. I enjoyed putting all of our ideas together.

Bailey – I have improved my handwriting and showed it to Mrs Stewart.


During our talking and listening learning we discussed some thunks. Thunks are questions with no correct or incorrect answers.

  1. If I read a magazine in a shop without paying for it would that be stealing?
  2. If pigs ruled the world what changes would we see?


Kyle – I enjoyed basketball. I am better at shooting.

Health – Headstrong

We had another visit from Mark this week.

Bailey – He explained that sometimes it is O.K. to be scared and asked us to think about how we could deal with things we are scared of.


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