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Weekly Update From Primary One

Some of this weeks fantastic highlights!

Health and Wellbeing – PE

This term in PE we have been learning to travel safely in different ways and directions. We have also been developing balance and ball skills. Some pictures below of the children practicing-



Children have been introduced to basic conversational French. Most can say the colours of the rainbow and introduce themselves in French. On Wednesday we had a special visitor named Cammonbear who encouraged the children to introduce themselves and play some simple games in French. The children absolutely loved having him in the classroom and learned lots from him.

Literacy – Writing

This week the children have written about what they enjoy doing with their buddies. As I have mentioned previously the children love spending time with them . We had a circle time to get ideas before they started to write. Ideas included – writing with them in our class writing area,  reading in the library, playing in the playground. Some examples below-

Tricky words

A big thank you to all parents who have been helping their child/children learn tricky words from their word walls. It can be challenging however, we continue to practise them daily. The children enjoy challenging themselves to write and read them.



The children are exploring number and are working hard to develop their skills in a number of ways. Some pictures they wanted to share with you-

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday. I look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 19th October!


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