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Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

In Green Gym this week we have been working on improving the biodiversity of our school though building nests for the Bees. During the colder months bees need a safe place to keep warm to help them survive. We have been learning about the important role that bees play in worldwide food production therefore we all need to do our bit to help save them. Whilst we had the tools out we also decided to make some hedgehog nests and some wild flower bombs to help encourage the growth of more flowering plants in our schools grounds.

This week we have been introduced to a new writing genre, ‘Exposition‘, this is where we have to argue one side of an issue. This week we thought it would be a great idea to focus our writing on arguments for reasons we should be making steps to save the bees!

We came up with some excellent reasons. Here are some of ourĀ  examples.

Ashley – If we didn’t have any bees we wouldn’t have any chocolate or pizzas!

Nathaniel – Bees can make our world more healthy.

Isla – Bees can pollinate other flowers and encourage biodiversity.

This week we have started learning how to play basketball in gym. We have started off by practising throwing, catching and bouncing the ball with a partner. We even had to try and catch the ball one handed, it was really tricky!

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog, we wish everyone a Happy and safe Halloween.

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