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P2 Update!

Primary 2!

Hooray! Primary 2 are finally up and running with the blog after some technical issues!

We have had such a busy week. In number this week, we have been focusing on place value. Some of us have been looking at tens and ones and others have been working on hundreds, tens, and ones. We have been challenging ourselves with different numbers and adding them together.

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In literacy, we have been very busy working on sentence structure using our core writing targets. We are working very hard to remember our capital letter, finger spaces and full stop in all of our sentences. We have also been looking at summarising the key parts of our reading book and adding detail to our pictures.

In writing, with Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison, we have been working on persuasive writing. Last week we argued why fireworks are dangerous and this week we argued that dogs are good pets.

We have also taken part in Yoga this week and are working on moving our bodies in different ways. The children enjoyed acting out different animal poses and being the teacher!

Our word boost book this week is ‘Manfred the Baddie’, which is the children’s favourite book so far. Manfred is a baddie that turns good but is still a little bit naughty! Ask your child what their favourite part of our word boost book is.

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