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25 November 2021

Our school/ nursery environment

Mrs Dobbie has been working hard with the children in the school improving our school playgrounds and the areas around the school. During the outdoor learning sessions they have been planting trees and shrubs to enhance the areas, they have also created a bug hotel at the top of the trim track. Mrs Dobbie sadly has noticed that the bug hotel has been damaged with some of the resources being taken out of the structure. When you are dropping off and picking up your child from nursery could you please be vigilant and report anyone you see damaging the areas to a member of staff. Thank you for your cooperation on this.

Christmas is coming fast

We have been busy practicing for the nursey nativity. We have sent home the words to the songs we will be singing during the nativity and would appreciate if you could practice these with your child.

We will be holding a raffle in the nursery to help raise some funds. We would like to raffle a food hamper and are asking parents/carers if they would like to make a donation to this. Please just pop any donation into the bag sitting at the nursery gate. From Monday there will be a knitted Santa on display that is also being raffled. If you would like to purchase raffle tickets for either of these please speak to a member of staff. Tickets are £1 a strip or 3 strips for £2.

Achievements from home

We have created a display wall in the nursery where the children can celebrate their achievements at home with their peers. We are looking at the 4 capacities from the Curriculum for Excellence: Successful Learner, Confident Individual, Effective Contributor and Responsible Citizen. If your child has something to celebrate please share this with staff so that it can be included on the display wall. We celebrate all achievements so for example if they have helped to prepare the dinner, tidied their room, learned to ride their bike, walked the dog, tied their shoe laces or fastened their jacket independently please let us know. Photos are also welcome and can be sent to the school  for us to print out. The email  is:

Skye was a Successful Learner this week which she proudly shared her peers. Well done on passing your junior yellow belt at Karate!!!!!!

The Nursery Garden

Mrs Galbraith and some of the children have been busy this week out in the garden. They have been harvesting some of our vegetables that have been growing over the last few months. Our pumpkins are looking good and we will finish ripening these in doors. The children have been asking to cook with them so in the next week or so we will all be trying some pumpkin soup using our own ingredients to make this. The children have also been helping with some general maintenance in the garden, weeding and turning over the soil, getting it ready for the winter.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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