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Primary 5 Update

This week in Numeracy we have been doing some Christmas Numeracy which has helped us to recap and reinforce our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.


In Literacy we have been continuing our class novel ‘The Christmasaurus and The Winter Witch’. We are really enjoying this. Here are some of our thoughts so far:

Ciaran – It’s very exciting to listen to the second book!

Kayleigh – It’s really exciting because I like how the Christmasaurus helps Santa.

Jessica – It is fun to listen to Mrs Hillan reading the book because when she stops it is good to think of what will happen next.

Lewis D – I liked it when we met a new person called Sub-Zero!

Ariah – I like that we have read the first book and now we are getting to read the second book.

In Writing we have written some Christmas/Winter related narrative stories. Some of these are below for you to enjoy!


We also watched a Pantomime, which was Aladdin. Here is what we thought of it:

Chloe – It was funny when the boy dressed up as a girl.

Lewis R – It was a little bit funny because the girl was dressed as Aladdin.

Erin P – It was funny because whenever the mum came in, Aladdin went behind her doing silly things.

Gracie – It was funny because Aladdin was doing Tik Tok dances and the mum tried it but kept on failing.


We have also taken part in some STEM activities too. We worked alongside Mrs Hillan to create a snowstorm in a jar. This is what we had to do:

  1. Fill the jar about half of the way full with baby oil. In a separate bowl, blend water and a few tablespoons of  white paint.
  2. Add glitter and blue food coloring to the oil, and then top off the jar with water and paint mixture.Don’t fill the jar  to the very top, make sure it is only about a maximum of three-fourths full.
  3. Drop the Alka-Seltzer tablet into the jar and take a step back. The Alka-Seltzer tablet will activate and you can watch the storm whirl in the jar right before your eyes!

Mrs Hillan has said we will hopefully have a chance to do this individually/in pairs after the holidays when more people have brought in jars/bottles.

Sophie G – I think it was so cool that it looked like there was a snowstorm!

Rihanna – I think it was really fun to watch and to see the paint etc go up and mix.

Holly – It was really cool – it looked really cool in the jar.


We also completed a ‘Dancing Salt’ activity where we looked at the effect of vibrations created by soundwaves on salt which was sitting on clingfilm on the top of a bowl and then placed next to a speaker. We also tried this with sugar and rice.

Kayleigh – I thought it was really cool how the salt moved when the speaker was near playing music.

Jessica – It was cool to watch it dance.

Erin R – It was interesting how the rice didn’t dance like the others. This was because it was heavier than the others and more difficult for it to dance.


We also had our Silent Disco which was great fun!! Mrs Hillan was impressed with our dance moves!!!

It has been a fun week of learning this week!

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