P6/5 17th December
Monday 13th
Maths: we went back to look at measure, comparing centimetres and meters, and using these skills on classroom objects.
Personal projects: we started researching these by reading about them on the internet, books and making notes. SD, SU, AS, EY, MaD, CB, ShP, SS, KH, EC, SJR, JH and AD are all very excited about these.
STEM: for today’s challenge the class went outside to find maths in nature. We were able to identify symmetry in leaves, tessellation in tree bark and Fibonacci sequences, and spirals, in the pollen of a daisy, a pine cone and a snail’s shell.
Tuesday 14th
Maths: continue work on measure, measuring each other’s heights accurately, ensuring the meter rules were the right way round. One group continued work on converting meters to centimetres while another group worked on fractions. KM and SU exceeded in the conversion of decimals. SJR did exceptionally well with her fractions.
Personal Projects: we continued our background reading and research and worked on our note taking. EY excelled in this activity today.
STEM: our project for today was “Dancing Salt”. We used sound vibrations to make it dance. The louder the sound the more it danced.
Wednesday 15th
Maths: continuing work on measure, including estimating and decimals. MM and SU were very accurate in their estimations.
Literacy: we have been reviewing the spelling we have done so far this year.
History: the whole class are really into history, so we made a timeline of all the historical events that we could think of and discussed these. From these we identified what topics the class had already done and the next one they want to do: Tudors.
Silent disco: GREAT FUN!!!!
Thursday 16th
Maths: continuing work on measure and decimals, the class found the work that we have done so far very supportive and were able to complete today’s activity much more easily. SD completed the activity especially quickly. One group continued their work on fractions, looking at equivalent fractions
Literacy/History: lead by the class’s new found interest in history they were provided with sets history reference books that split history into nine different periods. They loved reading these and sharing the facts they learned with each other. They also re-enforced their learning from Wednesday of a history timeline by putting the sets in chronological order.
STEM: the whole class really bought into today’s activity which was to make igloos out of marshmallows.
Friday 17th
Pyjama day!
PE: mat work
Maths: practiced instant recall of addition, including decimals
Literacy: ensured that the Mr Topley publisher documents were “bumped up” and ready to print for display.
Spent time looking at the learning intentions for all the individual pieces of work on display.