Happy New Year from Primary 5!
Happy New Year from Primary 5! We hope everyone is safe and well!
We are excited to be back at school for a new term and looking forward to learning lots of new things.
This week we have spent some time discussing our New Year’s Resolutions and what these mean. Here are some of the resolutions we have made:
Daniel – To be a better drawer.
Ryley – To feed my dog and play with my dog more.
Erin P – To learn to play football.
Erin R – To play a full song on my trombone.
Lewis D – To take my skills in football to the next step.
Chloe – To spend more time with my family.
Ciaran – To get better at football.
We have also discussed what we really liked about last year and our hopes and goals for this year. Here are some of them:
In our writing this week we have started our new genre of Narrative writing. We discussed how this is where we can really let our imaginations run wild! We have to work on giving lots of details for characters, setting etc. We started off this week by looking at the example in the big book, which was all about a Great BMX Race. We discussed this piece and then thought about races or competitions that we have taken part in and this is what we wrote about. Here are some pictures of us busy writing our stories:
Some of us also shared our stories with the class:
In Numeracy we have been continuing to work on our division skills and started off by testing each other on our knowledge so far. We have also worked on our Number Talk skills, looking at the place value of numbers to work out our answers.
Next week we look forward to some more new learning!