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Primary 2

What a very busy start to the new term! We have welcomed three new pupils into Primary 2 so it has been a very exciting week!


We have moved on to our next genre in writing which is narrative. The children have worked very hard to create their story about ‘The Lost Puppy’. We are trying to remember a capital letter, finger space and full stop in all of our sentences.


We are now doing basketball for PE. This week we have worked on dribbling, chest passes and have started trying to shoot into the basket, which is a challenge! The children have really enjoyed basketball and cannot wait to play a proper game.


We are doing a mini topic on Scotland. We have discussed this week what we already know about Scotland and what we would like to learn about. We also sang ‘Heid, Shooders, Knees an Taes’ as we were looking at Scots language. They found Scottish slang very funny as they think it sounds very ‘weird’. Just in case you hear any slang about the house!

I am extremely proud of how hard the children have worked this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

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