Weekly Update From Primary One
Hello and welcome to this weeks post. Some super learning to share with you!
This week in preparation for our narrative writing we enjoyed listening to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The children began by tracking Little Red’s jounery through the forest and drew maps to detail her route. Some examples below-
Writing – Little Red Riding Hood
Once that was completed, the children wrote an imaginative story using the Little Red Riding Hood story as a stimulus. The children had to imagine that the wolf wasn’t hiding in the bed , it was another animal. They had super ideas, some examples below-
We now have a new display which hopefully will help the children focus on achieving their core writing targets.
Health and Wellbeing
Some super action shots of the children developing their skills during our Monday PE lesson.
In class, we have been reading the Colour Monster. The colour monster changes colour depending on his mood e.g. he is red when angry, yellow when happy, green when calm etc. The children have drawn their own monsters and we are going to use them in a corrider display (will post a picture of the completed display next week)
I hope you have a lovely weekend. I will be back next week with more updates.