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P6/5 Week starting Monday 31st January


Extended writing on writers craft, continuing the narrative theme. The class watched the first part of a short animation called “Trapdoor”, and then finished writing the story themselves. The focus was on adjectives, similes and metaphors. KH was proud of their written work.

Maths was spent continuing work on percentages. SS, LM, LH and ShP excelled in this.

PE was spent working on tennis skills. MM, MxD, ShP and EY excelled in this.

We also started a KWL grid to support our learning on vertebrates and invertebrates.


In Maths we were still working on percentages, with two groups using calculators. A third group started to revise place value.

Literacy was spent bumping up narrative from the previous day, continuing to focus on adjectives, similes, metaphors and speech marks. Two groups did this by writing up their work into a word document. MDs lead the learning on this, showing the class how to make a Folder in Teams. To link with this work in the afternoon, we continued “Macbeth”, with drama and a descriptive writing passage about the battle and the witches, still focussing on adjectives, similes, metaphors and speech marks.



Maths was spent working on angles. EY and MxD excelled.

Some people spent time during literacy today bumping up the “Breakfast Time” work from the previous day, especially speech marks.

The class were also putting up fences around the bug hotel with Mrs Dobbie.


In maths today one group used calculators to help their understanding of fractions, division, decimals and percentages. Another group worked on their understanding of place value while the third group worked on ways to simplify percentages.

With Mrs D  the class started designing their Mars Rovers and did French days of the week and months of the year.



Spelling, as usual.

PE: activities to support awareness of space. LI “Using appropriate movement skills I can often move about shared space without anyone bumping into me.”

Maths: review of all the work we have done so far this year, looking at learning intentions and how we can transfer the skills and use them in real life.

During the assembly LM, who had also won the star award, confidently and dramatically read their great story to the whole school.

During friendship time SU, EY and SD elected to teach each other science facts! Also LH shared an activity with some friends.




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