This Week in P5.....
This week in P5 we have continued our coding activities in Digital Learning. Here are some quotes from the children explaining what they were doing:
Summer – We were coding things to make them race.
Sophie C – We got to play this game called ‘Up in the air’ and we got to code the planes to go up in the sky and go around in circles.
Ariah – We were using the keys on the keyboard instead of tapping the screen.
In Numeracy we had a focus on Multiples, Factors and Primes. We learned that:
-Multiples are really just extended times tables.
-Factors are numbers that divide exactly into another number.
-Prime numbers are special numbers, greater than 1, that have exactly two factors, themselves and 1.
We used online videos and games to learn about these, including BBC Bitesize and Topmarks – both of which we can access at home too!
In Spelling this week we wrote out our spelling words and then circled the vowels in each word in one colour and then the consonants in each word in another colour.
In Reading we discussed our predictions from last week, looked at the comments Mrs Hillan made, and created new predictions for the next part of our stories, trying to see if we could improve on last week’s. If we can show we have made improvements, our pieces may go up on our Bump It Up wall.
In Writing this week, we used pictures for inspiration. We discussed the pictures and possible adventures/stories that could come from this. We noted down some good ideas and vocabulary that we could possibly use. After this, we each created our own plans for our stories and thought about a title for our piece. We will write our stories next time.
Here are the pictures we looked at and then some of our ideas:
Erin R – A girl will find a dying alien in a UFO. She will get a magic bike that will take her into space.
Kayleigh – A little girl will go for a walk and she will see a tiger who will put her into a house which is on fire.
Chloe – A little girl goes into the woods and finds a shape-shifter that can turn into lots of things, including a tiger.
Ariah – A girl goes a walk in the woods and finds someone who is trapped in a house. She tries to save the person, but can’t because there is a tiger guarding it.
This week is Internet Safety Week, so we have been discussing staying safe online, creating posters to encourage this, looking at potential dangers online and discussing scenarios we might come across.
Remember we are off on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th February and we will be back on Wednesday 16th. Have a lovely long weekend!!