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Another Great Week In P6

Outdoor Learning!

One of our favourite activities this week was Green Gym outdoor learning with Alice. It was our last session so as a special treat we had a fire and ate toasted marshmallows and popcorn!

We even had a go at starting our own fires by using flint and steel and cotton covered with vaseline.

This was really tricky!

Anton, Kyle, Hope and Emily were great fire starters!

The marshmallows were delicious.

Bella – My mouth was covered in cream!

Hope – It looked like a meteroid!

Alexis didn’t like marshmallows so Miss Stanway got hers!

The popcorn was also tasty.

Kykle – The popcorn was very good!



Bailey – Learning to make sounds was fun!

Participation Friday!

We are painting rocks to sell and hide in the community. They have a positive message on them.

Hope – My rock turned out better than I thought! It was a bee and it says BEE HAPPY!

As part of LGBTQ+ month we discussed the importance of respect and tolerance.

Anton used the Kepla in friendship time to spell this out:

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