P6/5 Week ending Friday 18th February
Reading activity: new reading books out to all. Worked on summarising the previous book.
Maths: work on giving directions
Science: classification of living things. We learned that fish are cold blooded.
Maths: gone back to looking at the relationship between fractions, percentages and decimals. We will continue to work on this.
Language today was working on predicting the new reading books.
Mark worked with the class on a health activity on individuals perceived themselves and were perceived by others.
Science was again looking at classification of animals, and we will continue to look at some of the characteristics that help to classify.
Mrs D continued the work on the BP net zero challenge
Maths: one small group continued their work on place value while the majority of the class worked on the addition of mixed whole number and fractions.
Spelling, as usual.
Music: listened to a piece of music and discussed what it sounded like. It was “The Storm” from Britten’s opera “Peter Grimes”. The class thought it reminded them of lots of very relevant things, such as Disney’s “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”
PE: tennis activities, during which SU, SJR, SD and MM were able to lead the learning with one of the activities. Also refining the rules of our class game: “Ball Tig”