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This week in P5

For spelling this week we wrote our words three times to help to get them in our heads. We also picked our own choice of technique to help us practise our words, such as backward writing, pyramid writing etc.

In Reading this week we created questions for someone to answer on our group texts. Here are some of the examples of questions we came up with:

Erin P – What is Harmony’s teddy’s name, and why is he called this?

Olivia – Why is Harmony wanting a pet so badly?

Giullia – Did Gran get mad at Loz for buying her new shoes?

Chloe – If Harmony had a pet, what would she call it?

Gracie – Why did Elfie not like a bath?

Ryley – If you had to pick put of your favourite pets, which one would you pick and why?

Sophie G – Were Elfie’s parents bad people?

Sophie C – Did Elfie have any siblings, and if she did, what were their names?

Iona – Why is she called Elfie?

Lewis R – How did Nisba fall and hurt her arm?

Daniel – How did Loz fall down a hole?

In Numeracy this week we have completed a Division Assessment to see what we have learned and improved on since we started our Division topic. There have been some big improvements since the first assessment we did, which has made Mrs Hillan very happy!

In Digital learning this week we continued our work on coding, discussed internet safety and read a story around this. Here are some comments from the class:

Sophie C – We learned how to code using buttons.

Lewis R – We used buttons to control the helicopters.

Chloe – I enjoyed when we coded a bird to eat a slug!

Erin P – When we read the story it was telling us not to post bad things online.

Giullia – We learned not to do things that people we don’t know ask us to do online.

Sophie C – We learned not to take pictures of other people without their permission.


In Writing this week we used our plans from the last time, based on either of the two picture choices. We have come up with some super story ideas. We checked over our work as we wrote and once we were finished, and used the assessment grid to help with this. Here are some of our finished pieces:

Next week we will be doing our Narrative assessment piece, so this week we spent some time planning for this. Mrs Hillan gave us two pictures that we could choose to write about, or we also had the option of creating another map to base our story around.

In PE this week we have continued playing dodgeball, working on our team playing skills, throwing and catching skills, as well as dodging!

Next week is the celebration of World Book Day on Thursday and we will be doing activities all week around this. A reminder that we have a competition to design a mural that could be recreated in our library. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

It would be great if as many of us as possible could enter this!

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