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Weekly Update From Primary One

We have had another really busy week in Primary One. The children have choosen some of their learning that they would like to share with you.

Maths – Measure

We have begun looking at measure. In Primary one we measure using non-standard units. The children have been practising measuring areas in the classroom as well as each other. They drew around their foot and used the foot print to measure objects. Louie quickly discovered that this is not an accurate way to measure as everyone has different sized feet.



The children also tried using a measuring tape-


Writing – The Three Little Pigs 

This week as part of our imaginagtive writing the children had to write about a house. They had to say where it was, what it was made from and who lived there. Great discussion followed by some fantastic writing.



When the children had finished writing their stories I set them a challenge to build a house that the big bad wolf could not blow down. Some pictures below of their imaginative houses-



PE – Basketball

The children are beginning to develop their skills in basketball. Some pictures of them practising dribbling and bouncing to a partner.



Some Pictures of the children learning to keep their friend safe-



The children absoutley love learning French with Mrs Dobbie. She recorded them singing. Click on the link below to hear them singing  numbers in French.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more updates.

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