What have P6 been up to this week?
This week was ‘Expressions and Equations’ focus week.
Emily – I had bever done algebra before but I thought I had done well.
Anton – Algebra is when a letter is put in instead of a number.
We continued to practise our comprehension skills in group reading and also our spellings.
On Friday we will be learning about figures of speech.
In writing this week we were very excited to start writing up our science-fiction stories that we had planned with a partner last week.
Bella, Robbie, Joel, Hope and Emily shared what they had written so far by reading aloud to the whole class. We were very impressed!
Cameron – I enjoyed netball and am getting better at catching.
Anton – I was surprised how good I was at pivoting.
The children have quickly developed their skills and have greatly improved their positional play and would like to devlop their shooting ability.
Bella – I am getting better at throwing and catching.
Next week is World Book Day and we started to design a mural for the school library. This is a whole school competition and will be judged by the reading ambassadors.
Bella – I enjoyed this.
Headstrong – Mental Health
Mark visited us this week and we discussed our school values and the importance of these at school and home.
Outdoor Learning
Bella – We completed a traffic survey.
There were lots of vans and cars but no buses and lorries.
Hope – Why don’t people walk to the shops when they can?
Emily – This is part of our Net Zero learning. This is when carbon dioxide and oxygen levels are balanced.
As part of our learning we looked at different types of bins in the community.
Emily – We are monitoring the bins in the lunch hall as well.This is really working very well. There is less plastic in the food bin.