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Measuring me Measuring you it's the best I can do w/b 14/3/22

Happy Friday everyone the sun is shinning and it’s exactly what we have been needing!!

Hope you have had a great week, we have been busy ourselves focusing on measuring and we have even been back in the construction area building – no surprise there with this lot haha!

Drop in and check out what has been happening in Deans Nursery!

Building again?

Well we are back in the construction area…shock haha! These guy have been putting their creative minds to work and construction a ‘double decker’ bus – I hope its a holiday bus to take us away haha. Some of the children designed it so it could try and fit everyone in but I think it was secretly just for them and not staff…This could lead onto a sparked interest in transport but as always will let the children led the way. We all knew that this talented bunch would come up with something new.

Measuring me Measuring you

We have been learning about measuring this week which has been very interesting in Deans Nursery. At group time we have been measuring our heights, we have also been estimating our heights before we used our massive measuring tape to see if we can guess who was the tallest and the smallest. We have also been finding things around the nursery that we can use to measure i.e a ruler and a measuring tube for the water tray. We also have a height chart to help us keep tabs on our ever growing monkeys!!

Well another week is finished and its look like this weekend is set up to be amazing with the sun shinning!!!

See you all next week!!

Stay safe!





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