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Keeping ourselves safe

We have been doing lots of work around our nursey values, Nurtured, Safe and Respected, in nursery and the children are able to demonstrate a good understanding of what each of our values mean to them. While exploring resources that will continue to support the children’s understanding of these I have come across the NSPCC website and in particular the section on personal safety “Lets Talk About Pants”. This is a really good resource with a  book that can be purchased, a song for the children to learn and a game that you can download for free. There is also a section for parents/carers where there are useful ideas on how to approach this subject with younger children. I  have printed out some of the parent guidance if you would like a copy please collet it from the nursery (between the two doors where we review your child’s care plans) when you are collecting or dropping off your child.

The link to this website is

Please do not hesitate in asking any of the nursey staff if there are any other topics you would like information on.

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