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Glow Blogs Archive

Primary 2

We have had a very busy week in P2! IDL Andrew - "We read about peach crayon who is sad" Mark - "He was embarrassed because Duncan peeled his wrapper off" Vrishti - "We gave peach crayon some clothes to cheer him up" Jordon - "We painted tubes so we can turn them into our ... Continue reading Primary 2

P.4 Book Reviews

We finished our non- fiction readers this week so we were able to review our books. We thought about all the the book review worksheets we had completed in the past and we decided to create our own. We had to create the layout that suited us best and decide on the content too. ... Continue reading P.4 Book Reviews

Up, Up and Away in P4/3!!

It has been another busy week in P4/3! as all of the children continue to make improvements in their learning, well done everyone!! We have added to our learning environment in the form of our flying high wall display. We shared our ideas on the different ways we can encourage and support each other and ... Continue reading Up, Up and Away in P4/3!!


LD- I found out that some tribes in the Amazon lose their traditions due to other tribes taking over their village. KT- We learned about angles. I enjoyed going outside and looking for angles. LS- I learned to round decimals to whole numbers. GH- I have been practicing my number bonds. AF- I learned to ... Continue reading P7/6

This Week in P3/2

Literacy This week we were describing how we looked, our personalities and our hobbies. We used the descriptive bubble to support our writing. We have also been reading our books and looking for information to help us answer questions based on the text. During spelling this week, we have been practising our ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

Primary 4 working hard

This week in Numeracy we have been working on addition with missing numbers - for example 12 + __ = 34. This is something that has always come out as being a challenge for pupils, but when we looked at these together the children found them much easier to work out. Hopefully when we are ... Continue reading Primary 4 working hard

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Health and Well Being This week in health and well being we have been talking about our worries. This can be an especially worrying time for some children so it was a nice opportunity to speak openly about anything which has been worrying us. Together, we listened to the story of Silly Billy by Anthony ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From P1A

Hello and welcome to the final blog of this term (hard to believe!) . Some of this weeks learning that the children wanted to share with you. Literacy - This week we have been focusing on the "a" sound. The children have been making "a" in lots of different ways and have been learning to ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A

This week in Primary 2

We have had another great week here in P2! Writing Maddison - "We had to name and describe this minion" Mark - "My minion was called Dave and he was sticking his tongue out" Elizabeth "My minion was called Bob and he had blue clothes" Numeracy Max - "We learned about odd and even numbers" ... Continue reading This week in Primary 2

Weekly Update from P4/3

Well we have made it to the end of term and what a fun, busy and hard working term we have had. All of the children have made progress in their learning and challenge themselves in everything they do, well done P4/3!! As part of our learning about the BFG, we decided to use our ... Continue reading Weekly Update from P4/3

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