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This Week in P3/2

Literacy This week we have been practicing our spelling every day during ELF and Smart Start. Harrison- "We have been spelling our words in different colours". We have been reading our book to ourselves and in our groups. We also were using the book to help us answer the questions. Lucy- "We were ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

A Week in P5

Literacy Writing We continued to develop our persuasive writing techniques. In addition we practised using various openers to create interesting sentences. Reading In group reading we read our texts, discussed them and practised using different techniques to work out the meaning of unknown words in order to improve our vocabulary. We also discussed what made ... Continue reading A Week in P5

Mrs Lockhart's Days

In our Health & Well Being lesson this week we had to challenge our assumptions or as Ariah put it " Not judge a book by its cover ". It was really interesting work. We looked at pictures of different people and tried to guess their hobbies and interests from their appearance. Then we discussed ... Continue reading Mrs Lockhart's Days

This week in Primary 4

In Numeracy we have continued working on subtraction. We have used this in our Number Talks also. This is one of the sums we had to work out and say how we got our answers: In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and created a one-sided argument about why ... Continue reading This week in Primary 4

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Health and Wellbeing This week in health and wellbeing we have been focusing on completing activities for children in Need. We are very excited to dress up in colourful spots on Friday! We have been thinking about how we can 'connect' with our friends. We discussed all of the different things which make a good ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Weekly Update from P1A

Welcome to this weeks blog. We have had a super week, working hard and learning lots. The children have chosen some areas of their learning they would like to share with you. We celebrated Remembrance day by making poppies and observing the 2 minute silence. Literacy -Writing This week we have continued to develop ... Continue reading Weekly Update from P1A

P5 Remember

Remembrance Day This week we celebrated Remembrance Day or Poppy Day . We had a two minute silence on Wednesday to remember armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. We also watched a video by Rev. Nelu who talked about what it meant. This Weeks Learning Literacy On Monday we continued ... Continue reading P5 Remember

A busy week in P2

Wow! What a busy week we have had in P2 this week! Have a read to see what we have been up to. Spelling Charli Mae - "We had to sort the pictures into the right box. We had to decide if the word started or ended with b" Euan - "We had to play ... Continue reading A busy week in P2

P56's blog

Apostrophes have two diferent purposes. They connect two words together: "It is" turns into "It's". They can also be for someones property. It sometimes comes before the s. In maths we have been working on decimals. Decimals are things that can represent wholes or percentiges. When you go to the shops you get something £2.50 ... Continue reading P56's blog


It has been another great week! The P7/6 class have been working extra hard at learning division strategies and they have been busy writing an expository text. They have been learning about the history and significance of Remembrance day as well. The children have been heavily involved in organising Children in Need activities and it has ... Continue reading P7/6

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