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Primary 4's Week

In Numeracy we continue to work on Subtraction. We all had the opportunity of being "the teacher" and spoke through a 'borrowing' sum with the rest of the class. Here are some photos of us doing this: In writing this week we have completed one more Persuasive Writing and created a one-sided argument about ... Continue reading Primary 4's Week

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Health and Wellbeing This week in health and wellbeing we have moved slightly away from our focus on bullying onto the qualities that make a good friend. We discussed all of the friends we have and why we are friends with them. We shared what quality made us a good friend. Here are some of ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From P1A

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in P1A! The children are so excited. Digital Learning This week the children were given the opportunity to take part in the creation of a festive Stop Frame Animation. It is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical objects (in this case ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A

P5 Get Drumming

Literacy Reading In group reading we practised answering questions about texts. Bailey - My reading is improving - I can read more challenging texts. Kyle - I enjoyed my dinosaur book this week. Writing ... Continue reading P5 Get Drumming

A Busy Week in P4/3

It has been another busy week in P4/3, as we continue to develop our literacy and numeracy skills as well as beginning to work on Christmas crafts!! Look out for some creative art work heading your way in the next couple of weeks. Numeracy We have been working hard to develop our mental maths skills ... Continue reading A Busy Week in P4/3

SNOW much fun in P2 this week!

Have read to see the fun things we have been up to this week! Fun in the snow Max - "We were making snowmen!" Charli Mae - "We were working in a team to roll the snow to make a snowman" Jordon - "Don't throw snowballs because it might be dangerous" Elizabeth - "When I ... Continue reading SNOW much fun in P2 this week!

P6/5 Week

This week finished the Sharing The Learning video all of us got to see the finished product we all think its great but kind of cheesy at the same time. Art- In art to get us into the Christmas spirit we painted Christmas baubles to put on our tree at home. We think we done ... Continue reading P6/5 Week


We learned about tessellation/tiling this week. We worked out that some shapes were better than others for tiling (remember you can't overlap or leave spaces). Rectangles, squares, triangles and even hexagons were good but circles were not. We created our own tiling patterns and some were fabulous! It was really good fun but challenging! - ... Continue reading Tessellation


We have been learning to use apostrophes for possession. We practiced our debating skills (about deforestation). CW We learned of the features of a Discussion text. We now that in the introduction we do not write our opinion we only talk about what the issue. MG For Numeracy, we have been revising on all the ... Continue reading P7/6

This Week in P3/2

Literacy This week we have been reading our books. We have been reading in our groups and discussing the text. We have been developing our skim and scanning skills when answering questions about our text. Mia- "We have been asking questions about the book. We answer these questions in sentences". We have ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

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